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Endeavor STEM Teaching Certificate Project
Register for a Live, 20-minute Information Session Register

Endeavor invites you to Take One course!

Teachers participating in TakeOne may select any course, which may be applied toward a certificate upon full enrollment. If matriculating from TakeOne, the Methods of STEM Education course is required for completion.

Are you...

  • Looking for award winning professional development but not a full certificate?
  • Building your STEM content and pedagogy to use in your classroom?
  • Seeking a deeper understanding of 3-Dimensional teaching?
  • Excited about engaging with NASA guests?

Enroll in one course, including 3 graduate credits awarded by Adams State University. No pre-requisites required.

Click here to view available courses.

Click here to register for Take One.

Enrollment is easy and secure. Use a credit card, or pay by phone, check/money order, or school Purchase Order.

We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express

Upcoming LIVE, Online Courses

All sessions are Eastern time.

When you are accepted to Take One, you will receive a Welcome email from Endeavor staff with simple instructions, including how to select your course.

bullet STEM Leadership Seminar
7:00-PM Session starting 1/21/25:
1/21/25, 7:00-8:00 PM ET
2/11/25, 7:00-8:00 PM ET
3/11/25, 7:00-8:00 PM ET
4/15/25, 7:00-8:00 PM ET

bullet Coding, Robotics, and 1:1 Devices
8:00-PM Session starting 1/21/25:
1/21/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
2/4/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
2/18/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
3/11/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
4/15/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET

bullet The Arts in STEM: Advancing Meaningful Integration
7:00-PM Session starting 1/22/25:
1/22/25, 7:00-8:00 PM ET
2/5/25, 7:00-8:00 PM ET
3/5/25, 7:00-8:00 PM ET
3/26/25, 7:00-8:00 PM ET
4/16/25, 7:00-8:00 PM ET

bullet Lessons from the Ocean: Science on the Water Planet
8:00-PM Session starting 1/23/25:
1/23/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
2/6/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
2/27/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
3/13/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
3/27/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET

bullet Methods of STEM Education
8:00-PM Session starting 1/27/25:
1/27/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
2/10/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
2/24/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
3/24/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
4/21/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET

bullet Practicum in STEM Leadership
8:00-PM Session starting 1/27/25:
1/27/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
2/10/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
4/7/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET

bullet Climate Science: Socioscientific Issues in the STEM Classroom
AM Session starting TBD:

bullet Methods of STEM Education
8:00-PM Session starting 5/20/25:
5/20/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
6/3/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
6/24/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
7/15/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
7/29/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET

bullet Literacy and Discourse Practices in STEM
7:00-PM Session starting 5/22/25:
5/22/25, 7:00-8:00 PM ET
6/5/25, 7:00-8:00 PM ET
6/19/25, 7:00-8:00 PM ET
7/10/25, 7:00-8:00 PM ET
7/31/25, 7:00-8:00 PM ET

bullet Advanced Coding, Robotics and 1:1 Devices
8:00-PM Session starting 5/22/25:
5/22/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
5/29/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
6/12/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
6/26/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
7/10/25, 8:00-9:00 PM ET

bullet Math Connections to STEM Education
9:00-PM Session starting 5/22/25:
5/22/25, 9:00-10:00 PM ET
6/5/25, 9:00-10:00 PM ET
6/26/25, 9:00-10:00 PM ET
7/17/25, 9:00-10:00 PM ET
7/31/25, 9:00-10:00 PM ET


Course titles and offerings are tentative.

This material is based upon work supported by NASA under grant or cooperative agreement award number NNX08BA63A. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
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